Kaidah Istifham Menurut Az-Zamakhsyari dan Al-Baidlawi

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Muhammad Mutawakkil Alallah K


In understanding the Quran, nothing can be ruled out, including the linguistic rules used in the Quran. Because, each rule has its own effect in the Quran, including istifh?m. Furthermore, istifham which is usually a question, can have other meanings, such as taqr?r, inkar?, irsy?d, nahi, taub?kh, ta’ajjub, amr, ifh?m, tamann?, taswiyah, ikhb?r, etc. Although linguists try to formulate the function of istifh?m, but the product is not the finale guide. On the other hand, mufasirs have their own perspective regarding istifh?m and its function. Then, the results of this study, it is known that az-Zamakhsyar? in Al-Kasysy?f ‘an Haq?iqi Gaw?mid at-Tanz?l and Al-Bai??w? in Anw?r at-Tanz?l wa Asr?r at-Ta`w?l, have different ways of reading regarding the function of istifh?m in certain verses. With this result, it becomes clearer if the function of istifh?m are ijtihad?, so that reading on it tends to always vary.



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Alallah K, Muhammad Mutawakkil. “Kaidah Istifham Menurut Az-Zamakhsyari Dan Al-Baidlawi”. PERADA 5, no. 1 (June 30, 2022): 95–106. Accessed February 13, 2025. https://ejournal.stainkepri.ac.id/index.php/perada/article/view/561.