Instructional Components Involved in Content-Based Instruction (CBI) Tasks for Secondary School: Teachers’ and Students’ Thoughts




Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Instructional Components, Productive Skills, , Secondary School, Tasks


This study is directed to explore the teachers’ and students’ thoughts on instructional components involved in CBI tasks for productive skills learning in Indonesian secondary school context. There are ten teachers with more than five years of experience teaching English and eighty-six students taken as respondents. The findings reported the teacher voices focus on appropriate instructional components to support design of task-based learning through CBI approach, namely learning objective, learning material, learning activity, class organization, delivery mode, skill focus, use of media, learning resource, students’ worksheet and evaluation. In designing CBI tasks, learning objectives firstly formulated based on basic competence, the selection of learning material theme is surrounding-based materials and cultural-based materials, learning activities are organized in pairs and group in order to active interaction process in a learning atmosphere. They recommended to utilize web-based materials as learning resources and arrange students’ worksheet to empower the autonomous practical activity. Additionally, the students’ voices on contents of productive skills tasks clarified the tasks cover vocabulary, specific information, caption of picture, reading text, short dialogue and short paragraph as well as including the integration of language sub skills and skills. It is supportive contents for English learning tasks based on CBI approach.

Author Biographies

Khadijah Maming, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

She is a lecturer at the English Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. She completed her doctoral program from linguistics study concentrating on applied linguistics of language education at Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia. Her research interests are in the area of language teaching methodology, instructional model development, task-based language teaching, second language acquisition, and applied linguistics. She published her articles in ASIA TEFL Journal, LITERA Journal, Diksi Journal, EDUVELOP Journal, ELS-JISH and in other reputable and accredited journals. She has been an active presenter in several international conferences, such as; TESOL International Conference, TEFLIN International Conference, The 52nd RELC International Conference in Singapura, The 16th ASIA TEFL International Conference in Macao SAR China, LSCAC International Conference, UTIC, ICOLE and Annual Seminar of English Language Studies.

Abdul Hakim Yassi, Universitas Hasanuddin

Abdul Hakim Yassi is a Professor of Sociolinguistics at Hasanuddin University of Makassar, Indonesia. He completed his Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics in the University of Sydney, Australia and his Doctoral Degree in Hasanuddin University. His research publications are on topics like applied linguistics, foreign language learning, teaching English as a foreign language, intercultural communication, and cross-cultural communication.

Nasmilah Nasmilah, Universitas Hasanuddin

She is a teaching staff of English department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Hasanuddin University. She is also directing a private school of English called English Language Institute. This Ph.D holder from The University of Newcastle Australia has research interest in Adult EFL learners and Teachers Education. Nasmilah has presented papers in various national and international conferences and is frequently invited as Guest speakers and Guest lecturers in many related events. She has been supervising Master and Doctoral students in various universities across Indonesia. Nasmilah is having research collaboration with Monash University Australia. She has recently won a Research Travel Grant from The University of Newcastle Australia.

Amaluddin Amaluddin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

Amaluddin is a Professor of Linguistics at Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. He earned her Doctoral Degree at Universitas Negeri Malang. His research interests are linguistics, language sciences, language education, culture and literature.


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How to Cite

Maming, K., Yassi, A. H., Nasmilah, N., & Amaluddin, A. (2024). Instructional Components Involved in Content-Based Instruction (CBI) Tasks for Secondary School: Teachers’ and Students’ Thoughts. SALEE: Study of Applied Linguistics and English Education, 5(2), 536–559.


