AI-Based English Learning Applications to Skyrocket Students’ English Morphological Awareness


  • Suadi Suadi STAIN Mandailing Natal
  • Sahyoni STAIN Mandailing Natal
  • Ayu Meita Puteri Siregar STAIN Mandailing Natal
  • Kiki Juli Anggoro School of Education and Liberal Arts, Walailak University



Artificial intelligence, English learning applications, English morphological awareness


This article investigated how AI-based English learning applications contribute to English morphological awareness. This study involved 62 participants of university students. A quantitative approach was employed. Data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires via Google Forms. Participants completed three types of questionnaires; (1) students’ habits in using AI-based English learning platforms, (2) Students’ morphological awareness, and (3) compositional test where participants were asked to make sentences based on provided words. The results show that the majority of participants used AI-based English applications for learning English. Additionally, the majority of them said they understood morphology when utilizing the English language. Likewise, the significance value for students’ habit in using AI-based English learning applications and students’ English morphological awareness is 0.000 and the Pearson correlation is 0.464. This means there is a moderate and positive correlation between students' morphological awareness and their usage of AI-based English learning platforms. Ultimately, the majority of students demonstrated a positive degree of morphological skill in English in their compositional test responses using the provided English vocabulary.

Author Biographies

Suadi Suadi, STAIN Mandailing Natal

Suadi is passionate about teaching English linguistics (English Morphology, Semantics and Pragmatics, and Discourse Analysis) and English for specific purposes (ESP). His research interests are in alignment with his teaching activities. Track record of teaching and research expectedly allows him to contribute a small piece to the knowledge and scientific works for a wider community

Sahyoni, STAIN Mandailing Natal

Sahyoni is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the English Language Education Programme at Universitas Negeri Malang. A dynamic lecturer with extensive experience in English Language Curriculum, Course Design and Material Development for tertiary education. He has dedicated his knowledge to the advancement of academic research and his expertise to the leveraging of English teaching.

Ayu Meita Puteri Siregar, STAIN Mandailing Natal

Ayu Meita Puteri Siregar is an energetic lecturer, full of enthusiasm, and has a wealth of experience in teaching, research, culture & arts and public relations. This helps her to be able to increase her knowledge and research which is strengthened from a unique and comprehensive background and also a different perspective, notably in terms of her main research interest in English language learning.

Kiki Juli Anggoro, School of Education and Liberal Arts, Walailak University

Kiki Juli Anggoro is an Assistant Professor at the School of Education and Liberal Arts at Walailak University, Thailand. He holds a B.Ed. in English Language Teaching from Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia. Additionally, he holds an M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Educational Technology and Communications from Naresuan University, Thailand. His research interests include technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) and the use of online technologies in English classrooms.


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How to Cite

Suadi, S., Sahyoni, Siregar, A. M. P., & Anggoro, K. J. (2024). AI-Based English Learning Applications to Skyrocket Students’ English Morphological Awareness. SALEE: Study of Applied Linguistics and English Education, 5(2), 465–478.


