Translation Strategies Used by Tiffany Tsao in Rendering Culture-Specific Items in Dewi Lestari’s “Paper Boats”




culture-specific items, translation strategies, paper boats novel


To This study aims to reveal the translation strategy used by Tiffany Tsao in rendering of CSIs in the novel “Paper Boats” by Dewi Lestari based on Baker's theory. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The data consist of lingual units, in the form of words or phrases, which contain culture-specific items. The source of data is taken from “Paper Boats” novel by Dewi Lestari that translated by Tiffany Tsao. The data were collected through observation and by taking notes and analyzed using the equivalent and referential methods. The findings show that there are six translation strategies used by Tiffani Tsao in rendering CSIs in Dewi Lestari's paper boats novel. Superordinate (translation by a more general word) becomes the most dominant translation strategies in rendering CSIs in this novel followed by translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation, translation by cultural substitution, translation by paraphrase using related words, translation by paraphrase using unrelated words and translation by omission.

Author Biographies

Nur Ifadloh, STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah (Rakha) Amuntai

Nur Ifadloh is a doctoral candidate in the Language Education study program at Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, and a lecturer of English language education at STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah (Rakha) Amuntai, Indonesia. His research interests include language material development, textbook analysis, formulaic communicative competencies, and applied linguistics.

Zahratun Nufus, STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai

Zahratun Nufus is a lecturer of English language education at STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah (Rakha) Amuntai, Indonesia. Her research interests include teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) and applied linguistics.

Raudhatul Haura, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Raudhatul Haura is a doctoral candidate in the Teaching English as second language study program at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia. She is also a lecturer at Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, Indonesia. Her research interests include translation and teaching English as foreign language (TEFL).

Syairatul Aulia, STAI Rasyidiyah Khaidiyah Amuntai

Syairatul Aulia is a student of English language education at STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah (Rakha) Amuntai, Indonesia. Her research interests include teaching English as a foreign language and applied linguistics

Yustika Desta Sari, STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Amuntai

Yustika Desta Sari is a student of English language education at STAI Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah (Rakha) Amuntai, Indonesia. Her research interests include teaching English as a foreign language and applied linguistics.


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How to Cite

Ifadloh, N., Nufus, Z., Haura, R., Aulia, S., & Sari, Y. D. (2024). Translation Strategies Used by Tiffany Tsao in Rendering Culture-Specific Items in Dewi Lestari’s “Paper Boats”. SALEE: Study of Applied Linguistics and English Education, 5(2), 623–644.


